Sunday, 29 March 2009

Here Is A Picture Of Macbeth

This picture is painted by euan in our class 6POB

Meet the Cast

This is our Year 6 in Kings Dubai and this is what we will look like on the night of our performance. On the front of our t-shirts we have the name of our character and on the back we have our hand print and we put some fabric paint on the back to make the effect of blood.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009


These are our t-shirts for our performance on wednesday the hand print on the back shows that lady macbeth and macbeth see the mark on there hand and they can not wash it off. The other reason for this is to get a nice affect and to make it look scary!

Monday, 23 March 2009

Rays of Sunshine

One of the reasons why we have decided to perform Macbeth is to raise awareness and money for the childrens charity Rays of Sunshine. Rays of Sunshine is a UK based charity which helps people who are terminally ill and may never become adults. The charity aims to grant wishes for these children, which are special experiences that they can share with their family. Rays of Sunshine also help by buying electrical equipment to aid the children, improve facilities in hospitals and hospices and offer support to the child and parents.
We know that we have the responsibility to make a positive impact in the world and by learning about the work done by Rays of Sunshine we have been able to see how lucky we are and how we can make a difference.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Examples of our artists pictures

Our First Rehearsal

Today we had our first rehearsal for our play Macbeth. We all were put into groups and then we went through our part and, now we have two weeks until our actual performance. All of year six have been very excited about our first rehearsal.We are all enthusiastic about this theme. We have some fantastic pictures from our artists and some cool pages to our program. Now we all have our playscripts and are learning our parts very hard.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Our Macbeth Charcters

These are all of are Macbeth Charcters:

King Duncun
A Docter
A Messenger
A Servent
Three Henchmen
A Gentlewoman
Three Witches
Three Apparitions


Today we have been setting up all of our new jobs and drawing pictures to put on the program we have been working our socks off!!! Everybody is very busy at work. We have trying to get sponcers and to get a good front cover.We have been working on this almost two hours.

The Macbeth Play

The Macbeth play year six are doing is on the 1st of april at 6 o'clock to 7 o'clock. Macbeth is the work we have been doing in class so we want to show how much we work on our projects. In class we have been doing alot of macbeth theme work as well as all of our other work such as arabic, french etc. In our ICT lessons we started to develop some skills with blRemove Formatting from selectionog and this is why we are doing a blog for our program that everyone is working on now. With the help of Mr Wood the whole class could go along way with ICT.

Our First Lesson

On the 9th of March 2009 we had our first ever ICT lesson with our new teacher Mr. Wood. We decided to make a program for our play on the first of April. Our play is going to be on William Shakespears play Macbeth. We are going to make a program to avertise the play.We put a togeather a team for all of the parts for example a front cover team and a blog team etc.